
Bullying is very sad. It is when somebody picks on people and they hurt the person who is getting bullied. I fell school should report them and suspend the bully. They should call the parents let them know what is going on. When you Bully somebody else you are just hurting yourself. You should   not  pick on other people if you do that you are just making want them to kill them self for no reason.Also cyber bullying is stupid too .


My top 5 Moives of all time

  1. The Phantom of the Opera
  2. Titanic
  3. The Muppets
  4. Chicago
  5. Lincoln

1.The Phantom of the Opera is about a guy who goes to this auction of his personal things then he sees his old girlfriend it brings back memories for him when he is younger and really likes the girl but this other guy watches her he is the Phantom of the Opera. It is really good I want like 3 times.

2.Titanic is a really sad movie.The story is about these guys find the sunken ship of the titanic and then they find this picture of a naked lady.The old lady comes and talks about when she was on the titanic as a young girl before it sinked  on the bottom of the ocean. She gets married to this rich guy but this other guy goes on the ship and really likes her and he is a artist.

3.The Muppet’s is a silly movie about things guys go to New York City and it really a fun movie.

4.Chicago is a singing musical and a lot of dancing .

5.Lincoln is a good movie it is about Lincoln him as a good president.

My top favorite moives of all time

My favorite movies are warm bodies trailer is about a guy is zombie and then he falls in love with a girl and then he changes and then the girl tries to protect him so he would not be killed.It is a really funny movie you should see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

My favorite Band of all time is

My favorite band is One Direction there are really amuse.I love there songs there amuse too.There a British boy bond and there have cute accents.There are a good group.There are good influence for me

.One Direction reach No 1 in US singles chart

About Me

My name is Yvonne Ball.I go to Culver City High School.I live in Culver City with my two parents I have a cat female her name is Princess I love to play with my beautiful cat all the time I walk her outside with her leash.I love to swim,play with my Wii,play games with my family,make good food,read, dance,sing and other stuff.I am 16 years old I love Culver City High School I love all my classes they are so fun. My favorite subject is cooking class because I making food.McMillan is my favorite teacher in this class.I love to excise sometimes.