Archive | March 2013

Colorado authorities seeks clues, motive in slaying of prisons chief

In Colorado on Wednesday they were looking for clues and the motive explain the executive  director the sate Department Corrections sot and killed he answered in front his door in his house. Tom Clements who is 58 years shot around 8:30 om on Tuesday at night in his home in Monument, Colorado to El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.  Hickenlooper said Clements worked on to make his inmates prepared for their return to society.

Michael Muskal

March 20, 2013

Weck it Ralph

This movie tells about a story arcade who is a game villain who rebels against his role and dreams of becoming a hero. Wreck It Ralph travels between games in the arcade, and ulitmatley must eliminate a dire threat that could affect the entire arcade, and one that Ralph may have inadvertently started. this movie is really funny and entering for family and friends.

U.S. offers tough new U.N. sanctions against North Korea

North Korea is preventing Pyongyang to export nuclear missile programs. The North Korea  has the most advanced nuclear test China and North Korea are trading together for goods.  The U.S. ambassador of the United Nations Security Council’s 15 members of the board. North Korea traffickers two North Korea companies allegedly nuclear program. North Korea import goods ,yachts, cars, some jewelry The are suspected  illegal actives in North Korea.  North Korea has been threatening the military action against the United States. This author is Colum Lynch. The date is Tuesday, March 5 for the article.


Bullying is very sad. It is when somebody picks on people and they hurt the person who is getting bullied. I fell school should report them and suspend the bully. They should call the parents let them know what is going on. When you Bully somebody else you are just hurting yourself. You should   not  pick on other people if you do that you are just making want them to kill them self for no reason.Also cyber bullying is stupid too .